Google Drive Not Working

How to fix Google Drive not working:-

Google Drive is a platform where you can upload any large media files which take a lot of space on your personal laptop or mobile phone. Anyone who uses a Google product or service like email is by default entitled to use Google Drive in order to save your videos and other large data files. Google Drive is easy to use and you simply have to have a Gmail id and password in order to use Google Drive.

Simply go to and type in your Gmail id and password and you will get access to Google Drive. There might be a possibility that Google Drive might not work properly. This will be due to a number of reasons.

Easy steps to fix Google Drive not working is discussed below:-

  • 1) First of all, go to and check whether the internet is working. If you can reach this site, it means your internet connection is working fine.
  • 2) Secondly, check that you have correct username and password and for that type the id and password to log in. If the login is successful then it means its working fine
  • 3) Thirdly, there might be an issue with the speed of your internet connection since Google Drive requires a high-speed connection. Make sure you have a high-speed internet connection to use Google Drive.

If you face any other issue and Google Drive is not fixed yet, then you can contact Google Drive technical support phone number. Google Drive customer phone number makes sure that all your queries are resolved within a stipulated time frame. Feel free to contact Google Customer service phone number

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