Ways to Check for Updates in Mozilla Firefox?

How to solve the issues of Mozilla Firefox

Mozilla Firefox is counted among the top browsers which works very fast and provide help to the user quite intelligently. The large number of users are accessing this service due to its wide gamut of user friendly features and qualities. It has gained a huge market in a very short time. So, by showing its popularity many of the users may be interested in knowing the procedure to update it. So, the user can go through the following steps to check for updates in Mozilla Firefox:-

  • The user have to click on the menu button.
  • Then you should click help.
  • Now the user have to select About Firefox.
  • After selecting about Firefox , the about Firefox window will open and then Firefox will begin checking for updates and downloading them automatically.
  • Now when the updates are ready to be installed, click Restart Firefox to update .

The users will be quite comfortable with the above steps and these will be helpful for them. But even then there may be several other technical issues which may left the users with useless nights. The user can contact Mozilla Firefox customer service for any of their technical issues related with it. Some of the problems for which a user can seek support is if Mozilla Firefox is not responding, if it is not upgrading automatically , if websites are not uploading fast or steps in the middle, if it is using too much memory, if it often crashes, in the case it is taking too much time in loading few web pages and etc. So ,the only thing the user have to do is to call the customer service and sought their support.

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